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Swift Dog

Oglala Lakota



Swift Dog (Sunka Luzahan) fought at the LBH. The only two pictures I know of him are these two. The second one isn't confirmed. I just know that it was taken at the same place by the same photographer and it appears to be him. They were both taken at the Trans Mississippi and International Exposition in Omaha by Rinehart in 1898.

One of Swift Dog's drawings, actually a reproduction.

Several books of his ledger art were stolen from a private collector several years ago and have never been recovered. The FBI has the theft up on their site of stolen artworks with pictures but they are very poor quality. — clw

A nother ledger drawing by Swift Dog.

Swift Dog

One painting of him:

Swift Dog's Shield

— Frank


©2008-2024 Diane Merkel & Dietmar Schulte-Möhring
All contributors retain the rights to their work.
Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written consent is prohibited.