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Standing Cloud

Lower Brule



The photograph was made by J. F. Jarvis.

Standing Cloud by J. F. Jarvis

C. M. Bell photo of a Brule member of the 1888 delegation to Washington named Standing Cloud:

Standing Cloud by C. M. Bell

Comparison Photo of Standing Cloud

I do think the Jarvis photo is earlier, likely 1872, and would account for him holding the same tobacco bag as the Oglala High Wolf and looking younger. — Bob Brewer / buffaloman

Standing Cloud with Medicine Bull and Henry Bull Head, 1888:

Standing Cloud, Medicine Bull, Henry Bull Head, 1888

Standing Cloud, Medicine Bull and Henry Bull Head were headman of the Lower Brule tribe. There is not much information at all about the Lower Brules, who once split of from the Upper Brules of Spotted Tail and had their own reservation. I read the Schusky book "The Forgotten Sioux" about the tribe, but there is not much personal information about the individual leaders of that tribe.

Iron Nation and Medicine Bull were rated as "principal chiefs", at least by the whites. The Lower Brules were very peacable indians, they fought not in the Sioux War of 1876.

[Another Bell photo from the same sitting as above:]

Standing Cloud by C. M. Bell

— Dietmar Schulte-Möhring


©2008-2024 Diane Merkel & Dietmar Schulte-Möhring
All contributors retain the rights to their work.
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