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Roman Nose




I am aware of several photographs of the Minnecoujou headman named Roman Nose, first from the Alexander Gardner series taken at Fort Laramie in 1868; and then several portraits taken at the Spotted Tail Agency in 1877 (a couple by James H. Hamilton and one by Private Charles Howard). — Ephriam Dickson

Roman Nose: Here begin problems with the standard secondary sources. I don't believe that Roman Nose was a biological son of Lone Horn. Take a look at the famous 1868 Ft Laramie group shot including both men, and the age difference is simply not possible! My wife, with no detailed knowledge of the controversy, but by the same token an objective reader of the pictorial evidence, thought that Roman Nose looked the older of the two men! I don't quite think that, but if Lone Horn was born about 1814-15 (his own statement), I think Roman Nose must have been born no later than the early 1820s. This is consistent with family descent information I'm beginning to accrue, which shows that he had children born in the 1840s. OK, Lakota kin terms are more extensive than ours - an ate (father) would include what we would call paternal uncles, etc. etc. Perhaps Lone Horn was even a hunka father to Roman Nose. I think that Hardorff - a great gatherer or data - made a misreading of a passage in George Hyde and considered the successors to Lone Horn (Touch the Clouds, Spotted Elk/Big Foot, and Roman Nose) as all Lone Horn's sons. Against my reading it is only fair to say that Lone Horn descendants today certainly do consider Roman Nose as a son of Lone Horn. — Kingsley Bray


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