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Long Feather




The portraits of D. F. Barry of Long Feather show possibly the Blackfoot Chief with that name. I saw the pictures designated by Barry as Hunkpapa, but most photographs of Barry are labelled so, and obviously some of them wrongly.

According to Walter S. Campbell (aka Stanley Vestal), Utley and others, agency officials in late 1876 were sending peace talkers to the camps of the Northern Indians to ask them to come in. Bear´s Face and Long Feather came to Sitting Bull from Standing Rock. Campbell stated only that both men were from Standing Rock. Utley writes that “Long Feather and another Hunkpapa from Standing Rock had come on a mission of peace.”
I would suggest that this Long Feather could only be the Blackfoot Chief, there is no Hunkpapa chief of that name in my books or papers.

I don´t know anything else about this Long Feather, but he must have been a man of peace and friendly to the whites. Perhaps the crucifix around his neck and the company of Father Craft in the group photo show that he wanted to be on good terms with the missionaries or had been baptised already.

Long Feather by D. F. Barry

Long Feather and Father Craft (back row) by D. F. Barry
(all photos from Denver Public Library)
— Dietmar Schulte-Möhring

This should be an earlier portrait of him:

B y O. Goff
— Dietmar Schulte-Möhring

I've seen it also written as High Feather...

— Mika



©2008-2024 Diane Merkel & Dietmar Schulte-Möhring
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