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Kicking Bear




Kicking Bear was one of several medicine men who visited Wovoka (the Indian who started the Ghost Dance Religion) and came back with a militant slant to the Ghost Dance Religion. I'm not sure if he was one who advocated the Ghost Dance Shirts which would protect Indians from bullets. Kicking Bear was a staunch defender of Crazy Horse and spoke highly of him until Kicking Bear died. — Crzhrs

Geo. E. Spencer, Fort Sheridan, Home Studio 7520 Ellis Ave., Chicago.

The above photo with Kicking Bear standing third from left appears to be made at a Wild West Show.

This picture is from a group photo that shows the prisoners who joined Cody's Wild West Show on March 30, 1891 (left Kicking Bear, right Short Bull).

1891 group photo by Gus Trager
(from left to right: Kicking Bear, Young-Man-Afraid-Of-His-Horses, Standing Bear)

The two photos above were made in 1896.

Here is Kicking Bear with bow, taken by D.F. Barry, I'm guessing in the early 90s:

Second up is the 1893 Wild West Show programme illustration of Kicking Bear:

Finally, here's a closer view of the head from that illustration:

Kicking Bear sculpted in 1892 by Carl Rohl Smith (1848-1900) and exhibited at the Columbian Exposition in 1893; I'm assuming this was from life. — Grahame Wood

Kicking Bear from 1899:

This unidentified photo from the Marquette University could be Kicking Bear in his later years.
— Dietmar Schulte-Möhring

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©2008-2024 Diane Merkel & Dietmar Schulte-Möhring
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