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He Dog




These images by Anderson are NOT of the Oglala He Dog. The portraits are actually of a minor Brule headman by the same name; historians have often gotten the two individuals mixed up.

He Dog
Joseph He Dog by Digmann, Reverend Florentine, S.J., 1920

The well known Anderson photo:

He Dog

The Brule He Dog was in the 1875 delegation and so he may be one of those photographed in front of the Treasury Building.

His nose is similar to that of the man in the middle of the three seated and bonnetted Indians. — Grahame Wood

He Dog

I would assume that the Brule He Dog could be the man in the middle of the three feather-bonnet men sitting on the right in the middle row (left to the Brule Ring Thunder) of the 1875 delegation . He looks very similar to the He Dog in John A. Anderson's 1894 group photo of the Brule Sioux at the Rosebud agency. — Dietmar Schulte-Möhring


©2008-2024 Diane Merkel & Dietmar Schulte-Möhring
All contributors retain the rights to their work.
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