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Wolf Necklace




By O. S. Goff

Wolf Necklace was a Upper Yanktonais chief at Standing Rock in the 1880s. Wolf Necklace had 24 families under him. He frought in the Whitestone Massacre in 1863. The agent changed his name to Dogskin, so today his descendants on Standing Rock go by Dogskin. — LaDonna Brave Bull Allard

B y James H. Lucas (1850-1900) photographer at Standing Rock Agency

— Frank

The first portrait of Wolf Necklace was taken by Goff, possibly in the fall of 1881 at the same time as the portrait of Sitting Bull, Thunder Hawk and others. Barry apparently reproduced the images later. — Ephriam Dickson



©2008-2016 Diane Merkel & Dietmar Schulte-Möhring
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