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Bull Dung Band, Sans Arc
Ttanka Chesli

The Bull Dung band of the Sans Arcs was one of the main non-treaty Lakota groups in the period 1860-81. According to an 1876 Army document I cited in a message on the general Sans Arc thread, its contemporary leaders included Spotted Eagle and Red Bear. Silas Afraid of Enemy told the anthropologist Scudder Mekeel in 1931 that Looks Up, one of the last four shirt wearers acclaimed by the Sans Arc tribal council, belonged to the Bull Dung band.

Spotted Eagle, who sought refuge in Canada in spring 1877, surrendered at Ft Keogh in summer 1880, as part of a large village also including Hunkpapas (Rain in the Face) and Miniconjous (Charging Eagle). All the Lakotas at Ft Keogh were steamboated to Standing Rock in summer 1881, and most were held there until spring 1882. Then each tribal contingent was permitted to relocate to its home agency. A group of some 136 Sans Arcs, however, led by Spotted Eagle, was permitted to relocate to Cheyenne River Agency in August 1881, prior to the census taken in September - the basis of Ephriam's SITTING BULL SURRENDER CENSUS volume.

In an Appendix to the CENSUS, Ephriam prints the list of Spotted Eagle's followers taken up at Cheyenne River. It comprised thirty-five families, and a total of 137 people (49 men, 50 women, 38 children). By my reckoning this would convert to about 20-25 lodges in the old buffalo days. This is the list of family heads:

Spotted Eagle
Lone Woman
Brave Thunder
Kill the Bear
White Bear
Lone Eagle
Iron White Man
Kill the Bear [#2]
One Ghost
Red Bull
Black Dog
Red Dog
Spotted Eagle Jr.
Poor Bear
Uses His Knife
White Buffalo Bull
Long Mandan
Fights Thunder
Poor Elk
Big Hawk
Two Eagles
Red Star
Thunder Hawk
Fool Horse
Black Horse
Shell Necklace
King Man
Camps as He Comes
Walking Bear
Red Bear
Fool Soldier
Hawk Bear
Two Band
Little Shield

— Kingsley Bray

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