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Black Moon




The Mnicoujou Black Moon (ca. 1821-1893) had a small band at the Little Bighorn (Vestal, Sitting Bull, p. 143). He may have been with Lame Deer in May 1877 when that headman was killed. He led his band into Canada in 1877 and was one of the last to leave. My impression is that his band broke up during the 1880-82 period. As many of the northern or non-treaty bands came in and surrendered, Black Moon held out though many of his followers did not. His daughter married one of the Mounties at Fort Walsh, perhaps added incentive for him to remain. Black Moon finally left Canada with 11 lodges in April 1889. After being intercepted by troops, he made it to the Standing Rock Agency that July. He and his family were transferred to Cheyenne River to join other Mnicoujou in October 1890. Most of his family left Cheyenne River with Big Foot and ended up at Wounded Knee. Black Moon's wife, daughter, and son were killed there; another son and other family members were wounded. Black Moon remained at Cheyenne River for the remainder of his life. He does not appear to have been a band leader during this later period. — Ephriam Dickson


©2008-2024 Diane Merkel & Dietmar Schulte-Möhring
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